4 things to remember if you want to grow as a travel creator

Instagram followers on a photograph of a beach

It seems like the dream job, but there’s a lot of work that goes into successful content creation

Social media is full of travel creators getting paid to visit beautiful destinations and having a seemingly great time posting endless pictures of breathtaking views and scenery while doing so. Although international travel will be limited in this post Covid-19 world, you can still become a meaningful travel creator and stand out from the masses in their bikinis on the edges of cliffs in Bali.

However, even if you’re the world’s most talented videographer or have an incredible eye for a photo, it can be hard to make your voice heard in such a saturated landscape. 

So what should you apply to your content and posts if you want to build a profile and following as a travel creator?

1. Find your niche

What perspective or information can you offer that no other travel creators are offering? We all know how beautiful the world is, but what are you bringing to our views and why should we follow you? Think beyond just beautiful images and consider what really motivates you to travel, or why people might want tips and inspiration specifically from you. Do you have specific needs when you travel to cater for children, dietary needs, health necessities or your obsession with the colour purple? Does everywhere you visit cost under a certain amount of money? Perhaps you’re looking at travelling sustainably and only visiting independently run businesses – whatever it is, you need to differentiate somehow. The world doesn’t need more photographs of the Eiffel Tower (lovely as it is).

2. Consider the service you’re providing

What are audiences gaining from your content? Look back to some of the great travel writers and shows for an understanding of what makes great escapist content. Think National Geographic, Anthony Bourdain, David Attenborough – anything that can open your eyes to the kinds of travel content that has stood the test of time. Think about the kinds of personal touches these hosts and shows created, and what made them so powerful and memorable. With each post you upload, ask yourself what your audience is getting out of it and why they would continue to follow you or suggest to a friend that they follow you. Content creation is essentially a service industry, and you need to make sure your content offers useful takeaways for your audience. There’s only so many photos of you in a glamorous location people really want to see, so think about ways you can include guides, information or education,, tips, hacks and tricks to make the experience more tangible for people and to position yourself as more of an authority.

3. Build your travel network

Building up relationships with fellow creators is a great way to get yourself on the map and broaden your horizons. Make sure you’re taking the time to bond with other creators, through leaving thoughtful comments on their content, and even re-sharing it if you really love it. Your audience needs to understand that you love to explore and love travel, and so engaging with other people’s content is actually a very natural thing to do. Having a support network within the industry is vital, and you can all share advice and experience to try and build each other up. If you’re truly doing something unique online, these other creators are not your competition, but your peers. Try and build relationships as best you can, collaborating with people where possible. It’ll pay dividends. Connect with any travel creators through InChief’s community section and make a meaningful creator partnership – just filter the index by ‘travel’ and see who’s on the platform.

4. Don’t be afraid to try something new

Within your own niche and style, you still need to mix it up! Don’t be afraid to try new formats and ideas – worst case scenario is that they don’t perform as well, but that’s still a vital learning experience as it’ll clue you in on what does and doesn’t land with your audience. Everything can be a teachable moment, so try shorter or longer, reportage style or collages, selfie-style or a more big-budget feel. Just keep trying and innovating until you find a sweet spot. You don’t want your audience to get bored or feel like your content is predictable.

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